Durian Hutan Session,Segamat, Johor

Mrs Choco's grandma's legacy - the tiger/wild boar spotting hut
A banana tree growing in a drain pipe.
Mrs Choco getting personal with the King
The aftermath : the durian was so good, we didnt have time to take pictures of the durian itself. To busy eating!
hey you should take Mrs Choco (cute!) to Lita's durian estate. she will fill you guys up with local frutis in no time!
(could have sworn I posted this earlier)
i think the hut is darned cool! we are having an annexe built to our kampung chalet (glorified pondok tunggu durian) but to have it built in wood is so darned expensive la nowadays..
(buah tak jadi pulak tu tahun ni..sedih!)
got any more such adventures nearer to KL ah ? I will be the first to come and I will volunteer to take the durian photos ( but only after I eat some )!
tq in advance !
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